Surveillance can be expensive. Two-man surveillance is double the original price for one man.
Two men are required if a claimant lives in a rural area or is in law enforcement.
The price rises with the number of hours worked in a day.
This is why most insurance companies go with the 4-hour surveillance.
The best is a 12-hour day.
If you work from 6 am to 6 pm, you will have a promising idea of how every day revolves. Kids to school at 8 am, the spouse is off to work at 8:30 am, the mailman arrives at 10 am, and the kids return home at 4 pm. The spouse arrives at 6 pm. A typical workday during the week.
The best is to work a Friday-Sunday or a Saturday-Monday if there are children involved.
If the claimant is single, the best hours are the hours the spouse is not home.
Day 1 should be 12 hours long to obtain a normal day in the life of a claimant. Then you can reduce the 12 hours to an 8-hour day.
The investigator still has to blend in and be able to follow if the claimant departs.
Video is always based on the alleged injury. If a leg injury, we try to video the claimant walking a long distance.
Hire Need Surveillance. Surveillance is all we do.
The results are high.